The Employment Tribunal hearing of the case of Edmunds v London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council will resume on 10th December 2019 and is listed to run until the 14th December.
To date there has been no progress with regard to media access to the main evidential bundle and we will bring you an update on this issue when we can. One of our colleagues in the mainstream media is writing to the Council to progress this and we will let you know how this goes.
There is now a dedicated Poplar Papers page on Love Wapping with links to all relevant stories and documentation.
Moley apologises for not publishing many stories recently – about the Poplar Papers or anything else for that matter – but LW can assure both its readers that Mole is still digging away as there is a lot of work to do. So much work in fact that Mole is making a mountain out of a, er, mountain of evidence.
No mole hill extensions for him! Why make work for himself?
Why no stories Moley?
So if the Wapping Mole is so busy why has he not been publishing stories?
Simple reason is the sheer number of allegations that, despite what Tower Hamlets residents were led to believe, corruption in the borough did not stop when Lutfur Rahman left the building. Indeed they continued. And they allegedly continue today.
Only this very morning Mole was sent some very interesting information which about a sequence of events within Tower Hamlets council which exactly match the current allegations of wrongdoing. More on this when we have done some more work on it.
Mole’s current labours are focussed on establishing the ‘scope’ (the extent of the allegations of corruption or other wrongdoing that the Poplar Papers deals with or to which they are relevant) and it is not a simple task.
The information that LW is currently aware of has a much wider scope than anything discovered when Lutfur Rahman was being held to account.
There’s more. Much more.
In addition to the scope being wider the level of detail is much greater and the allegations are much graver in nature that anything Lutfur Rahman got up to.
By a factor of 20. At least. Our graphic design department created the lovely dinosaur v person comparison above to help you get an idea of the scale of the difference.
But hey, it might all just turn out to be completely without foundation! Lots of people said the same thing when we were investigating Lutfur – whatever happened to him? Oh, right!
Many different people are mentioned, many different council departments, all sorts of ingenious ways that people allegedly dreamed up to divert money from its rightful destination to their own pockets.
Thorough with the borough
If carried out properly any scoping exercise should challenge assumptions. The evidence given by Mr Edmunds in the Poplar Papers covers the period between 2010 and 2018 and so spans the administrations of both Mayor Lutfur Rahman and Mayor John Biggs.
Our scoping work and subject matter experience gained during the last six years provides us with reasonable justification to look at the years before Lutfur Rahman came to power as Directly-Elected Mayor in 2010.
It is simply naive to assume that problems only started in 2010 so it seems sensible to extend the scope of our work back to 2005. We like to be thorough.
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