The Tower Hamlets Council web site has been offline for at least 24 hours.
Need pizza? Need property? AP1 is your friend
TL; DR Tower Hamlets Council has still not provided a credible explanation as to why the…
Only Tower Hamlets Residents Can Fix This
Whatever is going on in Tower Hamlets town hall iwill not be explained by any borough…
More Hidden Council Property Spending Exposed
The Enquirer has discovered more hidden payments for properties in payment card data.
Nobody Owns Their View Of The River Thames
There is yet another attempt to restrict access to Tower Bridge Wharf.
For a better Tower Hamlets we should all move to Hampshire
The main focus of this Mayoral candidate's campaign in 2022 will be a raffle. Sounds about…
Save The Canal Club Community Site From Development
The E2 Canal Club site at Belmont Wharf is under threat of redevelopment.
Rabina Khan First To Declare Mayoral Candidacy
Councillor Rabina Khan has been chosen to stand as Mayor in 2022
Electoral Poison Of The Aspire-Labour Christmas Selection Box
There is no difference between Aspire and Tower Hamlets Labour, they are Aspire-Labour.
Hidden £156,000,000 Council Spending Revealed
TL;DR (Too Long;Didn’t Read) London’s Labour-controlled Tower Hamlets council has spent £156,000,000 using the AP1 ‘spot…
List of (some) of the £156,000,000 AP1 Data
If you have not read our story about the hidden spending of over £156,000,000 that the…
Guess Which Borough Has The Worst Booster Take-up?
No prizes for guessing where the lowest rate of take-up for the 3rd dose 'booster' vaccine…
Shamima Begum Reveals Details Of Her Radicalisation
Shamima Begum has revealed details of how she was radicalised in an interview with Sky News
St. George’s Baths – A Leisure Services Solution?
Rebuild St Georges pool in Shadwell and expand John Orwell center in Wapping?
Labour Cllr Abdal Ullah Failed To Declare Roding Mews Property
Cllr Abdal Ullah is the owner of a house in Roding Mews, E1W but has not…
Keep St George’s Baths Open For All
Tonight 7- 9pm Monday 15 November public meeting at the Town Hall or Zoom concerning the…
Did You Know About Lutfur’s Legal Fund? You Soon Will
Do you remember the £749,500 Lutfur Rahman Legal Fund? We do!
Why The Wapping Squirrels Fell Out Of Their Nests Laughing
Tower Hamlets council is recruiting an Independent Person to promote high standards of behaviour. Honest.
The Grown-Ups Have Taken Over Liveable Streets
Overview & Scrutiny Committee Liveable Streets session report and analysis.
A Message from Mr Lutfur Rahman
The Enquirer has received an email from Lutfur Rahman. It is published below with our response.
One Week After the Killing of Sir David Amess the Shadwell Thugs Continue to Hate
A message is being circulated on the My TowerHamlets WhatsApp group threatening to 'take down' Cllr…
Open Letter to Cllr Pappu – ‘Do You Not Realise We See What You Do?’
Council gives residents five days notice that it will be discussing #LiveableStreets. They don't learn do…
Lutfur Rahman makes it to the House of Lords (sort of…)
Those of you who are ardent fans of may have noticed that our ex-Mayor was…
Tower Hamlets Council Youth Service Corruption – An Email From 2011, a Request for Help
Did you write this email in 2011 alleging corruption in the Youth Service?
Lutfur Applauds Proposal To Use Carers For Vote Harvesting
Lutfur Rahman applauds proposal to use carers to gather votes for him. It's nice to be…
Mayor Biggs Caught Out (again) Misusing Council Resources
Mayor gets caught out breaking the rules to the surprise of nobody ever.
Biggs Attempts (And Fails) To Hide Bad News From Councillors
Seems the Mayor was trying to keep the SEND Ofsted inspection bad news from councillors.
Council Attempts (And Fails) to Keep Youth Services Cuts Quiet
The Council is trying to keep another major issue quiet. Wonder how that is working out?
Council Orders Wapping Overground Station Flowers Removed Because of No Licence
If you know the right people in Tower Hamlets you can do whatever you like. But…
Clare House Bow Clarion Housing Group Official Statement
Official media statement released by Clarion Housing Group concerning the evacuation at Clare House, Bow
Why Do These Lying Bastards Keep Lying To Us?
Can you keep a secret? Yeah? Good. Don't tell anyone about this, right? Council does not…
ASDA Crossharbour Development ‘Fun Day’ Kerfuffle – What’s In It For Lutfur?
The ASDA Crossharbour development community ’fun day’ on 30th August provided far more fun and games…
Residents of Bow Tower Block Ordered From Their Homes By Clarion Housing
Residents of Clare House will have to leave their homes because of safety concerns/
As With Rahman So With Biggs – Cherrypicking The Rules
Mayor Biggs is ignoring the rules just like his predecessor Lutfur Rahman. Few if any surprised.