Tower Hamlets Mayoral Hustings at Neighbours in Poplar

Mayoral hustings event on Tuesday 27th April courtesy of Neighbours in Poplar

Sutton Street Depot Investigation – Identity of Tenant Still a Secret

Our previous story about Sutton Street Depot has touched a raw nerve or two. But then…

Sutton Street Depot – A Brief History of an Empty Space

Why is the Sutton Street Depot so popular with so many politicians?

Sutton Street Depot – Time for the Metropolitan Police To Solve This Puzzle

An investigation by the Enquirer has revealed multiple issues with leases granted for Sutton Street Depot.

Big Book of Tower Hamlets Maybe Mayors Reviewed

Candidates for Mayor of Tower Hamlets booklets reviewed. Wow.

Tower Hamlets Liberal Democrat Candidates Named

Tower Hamlets Liberal Democrat Candidates Named

Tower Hamlets Conservatives Candidates Named

Tower Hamlets Conservatives have published their list of candidates for the 5th May elections.

Labour’s Housing Claims Fall 1,821 Houses Short

The Labour Party has not delivered 2,000 new homes, more like 225.