Moley has learnt that Cllr. Kevin Brady (St Peter’s, Labour) the Majority Group Whip, is now plain old Cllr. Kevin Brady (St Peter’s, Labour) as the Mayor has decided that it is over between them. In fact it is over between now Cllr. Kevin Brady and everyone.
Take it away Barbra!
Cracking song – but so sad!
Seems Chief Whip Cllr. Brady being deemed surplus to requirements may be one result of the hammering that the Biggs Alliance received at the governance referendum.
Team Lutfur got organised and got out on the streets and won the argument. The Biggs Alliance couldn’t be bothered as it knew victory was a guaranteed certainty, no doubt about it.
And these people are supposed to be politicians? Seriously?
Low Traffic Neighbourhood fiasco
Cllr. Brady getting the boot may also be a sign that Mayor Biggs has realised just how toxic the Liveable Streets / Low Traffic Neighbourhood fiasco really is and so is demoting one of its chief advocates. Sorry, advocates.
Anyone other Labour Councillors closely associated with LTNs?

Used Kleenex
It would be nice to think that the Mayor ditching his Whip like a used Kleenex is because Cllr. Brady is without doubt the rudest Labour councillor in the borough – but it’s highly unlikely.

A more interesting question is why on earth the Mayor gave a failed actor who now works as a talent agent for real thesps the job of Whip in the first place? In what way is this guy qualified to keep his colleagues in line?
The ex-Whip’s professional bio at AHA Talent includes this description of him which will be all too familiar to his long-suffering council colleagues
‘… a post we are convinced he took up largely because he loves both rolling his eyes and the sound of his own voice …’
AHA Talent
Sound familiar councillors? Few colleagues will have any sympathy for Cllr. Brady’s political demise it seems. Not. Well. Liked. And that’s just within his own party.
Here comes the real pain
The ex-Whip is one of many Labour councillors who enjoys did enjoy a Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) on top of their basic allowance for being a councillor.
In his case this means meant an extra £11,444 SRA on top of his basic £11,380, a total of £22,824.
So as Cllr Brady is no longer Whip he loses 50% of his income from Tower Hamlets council.

No doubt he will be able to fill this huge financial hole with his salary from his full-time job, unless a pandemic should cause a massive reduction in the requirement for acto… oh!

Never mind Kevin, somewhere there is a pantomime horse with your name written all over its backside just waiting for you to fulfil your true destiny.
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