Attempt to ram through Liveable Streets Bow decision today

Mayor Biggs will attempt to ram through a decision on the Liveable Streets Bow consultation report at this afternoon’s LBTH Cabinet meeting (starts at 5.30 p.m.) and some local residents and business people are not very happy.

A number of residents and business people were not impressed with the details of Liveable Streets Bow or the way the ‘consultation’ was carried out even before they found out there would be an attempt to get Liveable Streets Bow passed on the quiet.

Moley didn’t have a clue either until he read an email tipping him off at 4.30 this morning – thanks tipping off person! – then did some digging around in the Council documents.

Report has lots of pages with words shock

Reason for Urgency

The report was not published five clear days in advance of the meeting. This is due to the additional time required to review the large volume of appendices and respondents to the consultation. If the outcome of the consultation is not considered at this meeting it will impact of [sic] the timely delivery of the scheme and risk potential funding loss from third party sources.

Liveable Streets Bow consultation outcome report

The first paragraph of the report is reproduced below and you can read


The report was not published five days in advance of the Cabinet meeting as required ‘cos there was a lot of paperwork to read? You expect residents to believe these lame excuses?

Maybe the words were too big and there was a problem with the spooling of them as well? Or was the paper too bright?

Pure BS. At least try and come up with something believable.

(Moley’s favourite genuine reason for a delay in dealing with paperwork was when his English teacher could not return marked homework because his cat had done a wee wee all over it. There was a very simple way to confirm what Moley was told. Sniff.)

The real reason this controversial issue is being rushed through is given in the last few words of the paragraph: ‘…and risk potential funding loss from third party sources.’

Translation is that if this is not done on the hurry the funding from Transport for London (TfL) will disappear reducing Liveable Streets Bow to a single traffic cone on Skew Bridge.

You can watch the Cabinet meeting live here.

Reality TV

The Council webcasts are becoming increasingly popular because you can watch everything in real time rather than reading sanitised minutes later. You may become seriously depressed by some of the nonsense that goes on though – you have been warned.

The outline agenda for today’s LBTH Cabinet meeting is below but you should consult the original document here.

Two more school closures

In addition to the Liveable Streets Bow report the agenda lists two closures of schools (huh?), St Matthias Primary and Cherry Trees Special School.

Cabinet meeting agenda

5 Overview & Scrutiny Committee stuff
5 a) Chair’s Advice of Key Issues or Questions
5 b) Any Unrestricted Decisions “Called in” by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee
6 a) Liveable Streets Bow consultation outcome report
6 b) Planning for School Places 2020/21
6 c) Report on the proposal to close St Matthias Primary School.
6 d) Report on the outcome of stakeholder consultation on the proposal to close Cherry Trees Special School
6 e) Voluntary and Community Sector Strategy 2020-23
6 f) Quarterly Performance & Improvement Monitoring – Q2 2020/21
6 g) Direct Award to Look Ahead Care and Support for the support contract for Hackney Road, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government funded Homeless Hostel Project.
6 h) Approved Capital programme 20/2023 – additional projects
6 i) Community Information Panels – Concession contract update and recommendation
7 Any other business etc.

Enquirer Comment

All mundane stuff but at least with the Cabinet meetings we don’t have to suffer sitting through the Speaker spending 20 minutes explaining where he has been eating jam sandwich for the last month like he does at Council.

Waste. Of. Time.